Michael Tinajero - age: 35
(October 29, 1984 to September 16, 2020
Resident of
Ukiah, California
Life Must Go On
Grieve for me, I would grieve for you,
Then brush away the sorrow and the tears,
Life is not over, but begins anew.
With courage you must greet the coming years.
To live forever in the past is wrong,
Can only cause you misery and pain,
Dwell not on memories overlong,
With others you must share and care again.
Reach out and comfort those who comfort you,
Recall the years but only for a while,
Nurse not your loneliness but live again,
Forget not --- remember with a smile.
Confío en que arriba es tu lugar, tan alto es a donde debes llegar y aunque me veas llorar, no pares de volar que algún día nos hemos de reencontrar. Confío en que vas a estar mejor, confío en que has dejado de sufrir y aunque ya no te veré, no te abrazare, te juro que tu sombra seguiré por siempre.